Follow Friday

Ah, been a while since I did one of these.
Anyway, as you all know, Feature and Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read, and is all about spreading some blogosphere love.

The question for this week is:

Q. Have You Ever Bought a Book Because of a Bad Review?

A: Yes, I bought the Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare after one of my good friends read the book and trashed it so much that I just HAD to read it. Of course, her being a Harry Potter fan and fan-fiction writer was the main problem here: she had heard about the whole plagiarism fiasco and we had both read Cassandra's HP fanfic- the Draco Trilogy- and she thought the Mortal Instruments was basically a recycling of DT.
Anyway, I read the book and sort of liked it: it was mindless fun if you ignored all the glamour-people and HP comparisons and glitter fizz. I liked Magnus Bane, at least.
Leave your FF links :) Happy Follow Friday!


  1. You had me at "glitter fizz" :P

    I've actually got that book on my Kindle but never quite managed to read it yet :P Come to think of it, I think I bought it because so many of my friends were miffed about the whole plagiarism/fanfic thing as well......

    Thanks for stopping by! Old follower :)

    The Romanceaholic

  2. I like your style, I agree sometimes when a person trashes anything makes you want to go do it! Rebel in us all. Thanks for taking the time to stop by my blog!
    Book Review Club
    Following GFC & Twitter

  3. I'd never heard of that plagiarism you mentioned. And I haven't noticed any of it in any part of the series. And I'm both a HUGE HP and TMI fan.

    Stop by my Follow Friday post!

    1. HI, Vanya. The plagiarism thing happened long back, when Cassandra Clare was a fanfiction author on Hp Long story and closed book, and I liked TMI in the end too. Though I wish she hadn't used so much of material from Draco Trilogy in it.

  4. Hi there :) just hopping through. I’m a new follower…

    Here is my choice...

    Feature & Follow

  5. Hi there! Thanks for stopping by - I'm following you right back!

    I totally agree, definitely need to see what all the fuss is about when someone trashes a book completely!

  6. I haven't read The Mortal Instruments series but I totally want to, I have the first one on my shelf! If I hear a lot of bad things about a book I want to read it and see for myself!

    New Follower via GFC!
    Thanks for stopping by my #FF

  7. P.S. I really like your blog template also :D The header is awesome!!!

    Kayla @ Bengal Reads

    1. Thanks Kayla :) MI isn't all that bad actually.

  8. Follow you right back! :D Haven't read the mortal instruments, but I plan on doing it, although I'm a hardcore Harry Potter fan :p

  9. Hiya! I love your answer, and thanks so much for your comments and follow on my blog, following you back!

    Jessica :) xxx

  10. New follower via GFC under the name "Jenny Reyes"!

    Here's my Feature & Follow:


  11. Thanks for stopping by, following back. I missed the whole plagiarism issue but would have ended up reading this series for the same reason.

  12. I have yet to read any Cassandra Clare but do have one on my bookshelf! I didn't know there was a plagiarism scandal- I am going to have to look into this!

    New follower :-)

    My FF:

  13. I read the first mortal instruments book and it was okay, the second i coudnt finish. i understand your friend though, it was kinda HPish.

    Check out my FF!

  14. Whenever I read Cassie Clare I usually try to just block out everything I know about her and HP and plagiarism. The books really are mindless fun if you can let yourself just enjoy them for what they are.

    Old follower! :)
    My Friday Memes

  15. It's nice sometimes to have your own opinion about a book.

    I'm a new follower

  16. Thanks for becoming a follower of my site, I'm now following you back via GFC. My book budget is too tight to spend on books already known to be bad. Have a wonderful weekend!

    The Scarf Princess

  17. Lol i've never bought a book because of a bad review, but i can see why you'd be curious. If a person is so passionate about a book (even if it's bad passion lol) then it's going to make me kinda interested. New follower!

    Shae @ Understanding Shae's Story

  18. Hey! Great answer! Sometimes the trashing makes us curious :D mostly stick to the books with rave reviews, though!

  19. The Mortal Instruments is one of my favourite series and surprised that your friend didn't like it as I have heard so many rave reviews for it.
    Thanks for the follow following you back :)

  20. Love your header and background. :)
    New follower.
    I do the same as you but only when I get "really" curious.
    My FF;

  21. Oh God, the Mortal Instruments! I read the FanFiction just last year and when I realized how freaking similiar all the books were my opinion of Clare really.. well. Let's just say I'm not that happy about everything there. *g*

    Love your answer!

    Patricia // My FF

  22. I can tell you I am a big fan of Cassandra Clare. Maybe because I never read the harry potter books?
    And I can tell that I read books if they sound interesting. Not if other people think they are bad or good. But sometimes if the book got a lot of bad reviews, it is true that the book is 'bad'. So maybe I should be more carefull with bad reviews. lol.


    My FFF

  23. Thanks for stopping by earlier.I'm a total spoiler whore so even if there are bad reviews if I like the spoilers I read the book.

    New follower.

  24. Thanks for the comment and follow everyone!
    Patricia: Yeah, it was a bit of a shocker when I realized how similar DT and TMI really are.
    Mariska: Thanks for the follow :) I'd never read just because someone else told me a book is bad or good- unless said someone is my best friend. Then I'm curious. (And, she'll go on about it forever until I read it!)
    @yarereviews: thanks :)

  25. New follower. Nice to meet you. I wouldn't buy a book just because it had bad reviews, but I would read a book i'm interested in even if it did get bad reviews.
    My FF:

  26. I've never read a book just because of a bad review. Your story was quite something, though! :)

    Following you back.


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