Feature and Follow Friday

As you all know, Feature and Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read, and is all about spreading some blogosphere love.

Question of the Week: What is one book that you would be nervous to see a movie adaption of because you think the movie could never live up to the book?

My Answer: There are a few, so I'm breaking the "one book" rule. Damn it, who needs rules. Okay, so first off- Angela Carter's "The Magic Toyshop". It's such a great book, a true classic. It has me quaking in terror for its female protagonist and loving the male protagonist for his defiance and helplessness and gazing into the air and feeling lobotomized because I can never, ever, ever write like Angela Carter, nobody can. My love for the English language is multiplied twelve-fold just because of the existence of this book. Enough said why I wouldn't want to see a movie adaptation of it. This book is so cosmically brilliant that it would make the screens explode if they ever did an actual movie on it.  It would be like looking at an angel in their full glory as on Supernatural. It would be devastating. 
(Sorry for the fangirl-ism.)
And then the Night Circus. It took me ages to form an opinion on this book and in the end I decided that I loved it with all my heart and soul, just for the magic of it. A movie adaptation is on the works- I hear Summit has the rights. All that magic, captured properly on the screen? Seriously?

What's your FF links? Let's share some follower love :):)


  1. I've heard a lot about The Night Circus but haven't read it yet!

    Thanks for stopping by our blog! New Follower here!


  2. Angela Carter is my favourite author. The Magic Toyshop is brilliant but I think my favourites are 'Wise Children' and 'Nights at the Circus' because the twins and Fevvers are such amazing literary characters! I am writing a thing on feminism-ey stuff in 'Angela Carter's Book of Fairy Tales' and the Bloody Chamber soon for fairy tale fortnight- she is my idol!

    I am an old follower who just wanted to fangirl along with you :-)

    My FF post: http://www.pocketfulofbooks.com/2012/04/follow-friday_12.html

    1. Yayy!! Another Carter lover. I loved Wise Children- it was so much, so much fun. And The Night Circus was just lovely bohemian literature for the hedonist in me. Fangirls rock!

  3. I haven't read Night Circus yet but seems to be a popular answer for this one. Old follower.

  4. I still haven't read The Night Circus though I'm dying to because it sounds amazing . I'm actually waiting for the price to drop a little on The Book Depository :) !! I didn't know a movie adaptation was on its way, that's pretty great !
    I'm a new follower .. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog Varsha!I'd love to suscribe to your blog by email but I don't see the button ..:(

    1. It'll be here soon...currently constructing all my social networking icons :)

  5. hello Varsha!
    thanks for stopping by :) I am returning your follow.
    The Night Circus is a good choice! Ive had it here in my room for a while but havent been able to read it yet. I'm excited to get to pick it up.
    Which Murakami book are you reading? I went on a Murakami binge in the summer and love his writing!
    have a good friday

    1. Ha, same here. It's been a recent binge, so I just read all of his work together. Now on Angela Carter madness. Thanks for stopping by.

  6. Wait, few? I couldn't narrow it down at all so I said "All" LOL

    Patricia // My FF

  7. Everyone's always talking about The Night Circus. I'm going to have to read it soon! Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

    1. I sorta didn't like it at first, and then I thought about it and it turned out to be awesome. Put it on TBR >3

  8. You are right about the Night Circus...I have my doubts. Thanks for visiting my blog and I'm a new follower!

  9. Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog & following! I'm following you now too!

    Jenny @ Into The Morning Reads

  10. Thanks for stopping! I would love to see Night Circus as a movie because I didn't enjoy the book. It was very different for me, did like some parts, but overall didn't love it. Happy Friday!

  11. Hi there :) just hopping through. Thanks for stopping by :)
    Here is my choice...

    Feature & Follow

  12. Hopping through. It took me a long time to fall in love with The Night Circus - several weeks after I finished it before I realized it was incredible.
    My Hop

    1. I had the same feeling. That book is as weird as its story.

  13. "The Magic Toyshop" sounds like an amazing book - something I should read. Thanks for stopping by my blog : )

    1. Welcome, Kathryn :) Thanks for the follow :)

  14. I haven't read the first book you mentioned. Well I haven't read Night Circus either but I have that one. It makes me want to read both because I know the really good books are the ones that make me nervous to see in theaters.

  15. I've been hearing about The Night Cirrus everywhere! I'm really going to have to read that book. I haven't read the other book you mentioned but I will since you're so enthusiastic about it.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm following you too!

  16. Oh I don't think I know them but I'm sure it will be very interesting!

    old follower

    here is mine


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