New Layout!

So I went all clean and light colors- with a tinge of bright red and yellow at parts to create a different look to the blog!
Some of you liked the old one I know, but I had to change the layout because
1) It was too dark and had a visibility issue (pointed out by a few followers- thanks guys!)
2) The whole dark background thing's just not me...I'm a sunshiney gal.
3) I LOVE playing with new looks and new designs
4) TwiggX stock's Headphones pack was just SO amazing I had to use that model, and then got inspired to go in for a classy, black and white look with spots of color thrown in
5) I have decided to go GREEEEN and not BLUEEEE like every other time (the college is having a fest now- Cultaway- and its theme is Go Green. Check out the site here! It's a site worth checking out)
(Am I gushing?)
6) I wanted those cartoony looking fonts but couldn't use them on a dark background because that just looked tacky!
There you go!
That's a lot of reasons actually. Hope you guys like the new layout too, it's kind of different from what I usually do! 
Credits go to TwiggX stock and NebelDarkened on DeviantArt. I don't know what I would have done without these marvellous stock producers. 
Cheers and hope you guys like the new layout,


  1. I like. Of course I don't know the old layout... but this one rocks. Is that you in the picture?

  2. I really REALLY like this new green. It's perfect for anticipating of Spring! I've been trying to update my blogs and make them brighter as well. Unfortunately, I've noticed my new layouts don't update via LinkedIn (Facebook's blogger re-cast system).

  3. I'm loving the new layout! The colors are so pretty! Great job :)

  4. Wow, I absolutely love it! It's a nice colour change!


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