Cover Crazy: Nekro

Love, or hate it, but his covers always catch your eye.
Yep, I'm talking about Nekro, the Spanish artist who has captured the reading YA crowd's eyes with his searingly brilliant (and mostly bright red) book covers!
So from what I see, I can analyze that this man likes his details. The swirls and trills are perfect, as is what seems to be his favorite palette of colors- white, red, black- the black always metallic and simply gorgeous!
He works for most of the major publishing houses, and his credentials include the Norma Editorial book 13 Inches.
His book covers that you will recognize include:


The Anna Dressed in Blood series

The Blood Rights series

Article 5
13 Inches (his book)
And there you have it! Book cover candy for a week :)
All the images are from this site: SITE
His Blog is here: (Crap, I'm SO JEALOUS!)
Ciao, guys.


  1. Wow! I have seen his covers but didn't realize they were all done by the same person. I love the covers of the Anna series. Thanks so much for sharing. I will have to stop by his blog and check out more of his work!



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