Follow Friday!
Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read and is all about Blogosphere love, every Friday. Follow me either via GFC or NetworkedBlogs, and I'll follow right back. Leave a comment! Q: You are a matchmaker — your goal, hook up two characters from two of your favorite books. Who would it be? How do you think it would go? A: Um, hardest question EVER! I'm terrible at crossover fanfiction, and usually run far from fanfics that mix up my favorite book characters- but a hook-up between books is always fun! So let's see. If I pair up Karou from the Daughter of Smoke and Bone with Barron Sharpe from Holly Black's Curse Workers, the result would be catastrophic. He'd con her out of all her wishes, and she'd kick his ass big time for it. Would be a fun scenario.